During the invasion, Asrar was courageous, and pulled off many daring stunts. Asrar managed to deceive the Iraqis who guarded the Ministry of Civil Information by pretending to be an Indian worker. She was then able to get her hand on the discs of the public institution and smuggled them to Saudi Arabia. After that, Asrar returned to Kuwait with a fake identity, Sara Mubarak. This was not easy considering she had to pass the border, where there were half a million Iraqi soldiers. She also made sure none of the accounts from the Central Bank of Kuwait were acquired by the Iraqis. Asrar would regularly send in reports about the condition in Kuwait to the Kuwaiti government headquarters, who in Taef, Saudi Arabia, at that time. This was never easy for Asrar, and to make everything worse she was put in situations where she had to kill Iraqi soldiers.
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